
Who is Julia....What is she?

Ay yi yi!!! We've done A full run through, full of laughs and soul and passion. The show gets better and better the more we read through it and blocking is right around the corner!! Things are taking off like a ROCKET!!!

Who is Julia....What is she?....Julia is a free spirit! She does what she wants which usually leads her into trouble ;) Classically 17 and beautiful. Sort of an 'IT' girl in her small town of Verona. Jerk magnet who is recently single and not ready to mingle....well that's how she plays it anyway, Lucetta knows better!! She's one of those 'glam-hippies' all about peace and love and drugs but too much of a girly girl to be a full on hippie. Julia Sophia Copa's favorite color is lavender and she is a Gemini. Immature, defiant, naive, emotional. Half Cuban, half Black. Addicted to tambourines, hula hoops and bubbles.

Julia will be metamorphosed from hard-hearted girl to love struck dummy! Willing to abandon her small town and venture to a big city only to learn life's lessons the hard way!

I can't wait to start blocking! I can't wait to start choreography! I cant wait for hair and make-up and costumes!! I will be excited until that very last..."YOU CAN'T LOVE ANOTHER WITHOUT LOVING YOURSELF!!!"

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